How to complete or edit my freelancer profile information

Your Useme profile showcases your skills and experience to attract new clients. On the other hand, it gives us all the necessary details to process your transactions. Read on to learn how to fill in your profile information correctly.

When you create an account and activate your freelancer profile on Useme, we ask for your personal details. You can always update the data to reflect your current situation.

Editing data in profile settings

To edit any details in your freelancer profile, first log in to your Useme account. Select Settings from the dropdown menu in the upper-right corner. You’ll have five settings categories to choose from:

1.  General

Here, you can edit your password, username, avatar, profile language, and the About me section (visible to employers visiting your profile on Useme), and you can enable two-factor authentication.

2.  Payouts

Set up, delete, or edit your payout method for the chosen currency or currencies used for client payments on Useme (PLN, EUR, GBP, USD).

3.  Freelancer

Here, you can edit your:

  • Personal data (first name, last name, address, phone number).
  • Documents (underage freelancer must add parent consent here).
  • Categories and skills (visible to employers visiting your Useme profile).
  • Positions in your CV (also visible to employers).
  • Portfolio work (available for employers to preview).

Poland-based freelancers can also add documents like a student ID or work permit here. 

4.  Employer

You can create an employer profile to settle transactions with both your clients and freelancers (e.g., subcontractors).

5.  Notifications

Decide what types of email notifications you'd like to receive.

6.  Availability

Set your availability status to inform employers if you want to receive job invitations via Useme Jobs.

To edit your email address, citizenship, country of residence, or legal status (if you represent or have a company), write to us using the contact form. You can’t change these details manually.

Adding a tax identification number

When creating an account, you need to specify your legal status. If you select “I don’t represent or have a registered company,” your profile will not include a field for a tax identification number. To update your legal status to “I represent or have a registered company” and switch to a business account, write to us using the contact form.

Adding tags (skills) and categories

Tags (skills) and categories in your profile help employers find the right freelancer for their needs while showing off your expertise. Add tags with your strongest skills and pick relevant categories. They’ll boost your chances of getting a suitable freelance job on Useme Jobs.

To add tags and categories to your profile, log in and go to Settings → Freelancer → Categories and skillsEdit categories and skills.

If a skill is not on the list, write to us using the contact form. We’ll email you once we’ve added your tag.

You can also receive email notifications when someone posts a new job in your category. Adjust this setting in the Notifications section.

Can I create a new account?

Freelancers can have only one individual account. You can’t set up a new account using another email or personal details. To change your profile information, go to Settings. To change your email address or to switch to a company account, message us

If you have a company account, you can also set up an individual account. However, your profile statistics (deals and opinions) won’t transfer from the old company profile to the new individual one.