How to format text in your profile and offers

Check how to use text formatting or build numeric and bullet point lists.

You can use text formatting, like bold or italics, e.g., in your About me section or an offer you’re sending to the employer on Useme Jobs. Formatting makes your text nicer, more transparent, and easier to follow.


To start a new paragraph and leave one blank line, press “enter” twice (leave one line empty):

new line
does not start a paragraph

a new line does not start a paragraph

Only when there is a space,

a new paragraph appears.

Formatting – text style

  • Italics: Add two slashes at the beginning and end of the text.

//italic text// → italic text

  • Bold: Add two asterisks at the beginning and end of the text.

**bold text** → bold text

  • Both italics and bold together: Use both symbols together.

//**both effects applied**// → both effects applied

Links to websites

You can use URLs directly in the text or “hide” them under a clickable word (called “anchor text”). Use this combination of symbols:

[[]] →

[[|get paid on Useme]] → get paid on Useme

Lists and bullet points

You can create lists using asterisks:

[* point A  

* point B  

** subpoint B1  

** subpoint B2  

* point C]  

Results in:

  • point A
  • point B
    • subpoint B1
    • subpoint B2
  • point C

You can also make a numbered list. The numbers will be applied automatically:

[# list item  

# another item  

## subpoint  

## another subpoint  

# one more main item]  

Results in:

1.    list item
2.    another item

          1.    subpoint
          2.    another subpoint

3.    one more main item