Integration with Useme via the API

When you integrate your platform with Useme via our API, these two systems will communicate and exchange necessary information. When you create or pay a contractor directly from your platform, our IT system will receive this information immediately.

Benefits of API integration

  • You’ll pay the contractor without involving them in the process – you can make transactions without wasting time on formal, accounting, and legal procedures.
  • You’ll boost your business automation – you can quickly create deals, upload files, and pay contractors with one transfer, all on your own platform.
  • As your partner, we’ll handle the legal and tax aspects of paying contractors worldwide – we support you at every transaction stage.
  • You’ll pay contractors without a company directly through your platform so you can attract more talents.

How to integrate with Useme via the API

  1. Email us at Write that you want to integrate with Useme via the API.
  2. When we give you access to the API, you can download a unique token from the website: Pass this token to your IT team. If they have any questions, send them to us at
  3. We provide two API environments:
    • Sandbox – the testing environment to test API requests without affecting your transactions.
    • Production – the live environment where developers can send real-time requests to the API.
  4. After your developers and our team integrate your platform with Useme, you’ll be able to pay contractors, create deals, and upload work files to your platform. Click here to download the complete documentation for your IT team.
  5. From now on, any actions you take on your platform will automatically update the corresponding data on Useme’s side.

How to make transactions with freelancers once the API integration is active

Click here to look into the process of paying contractors via API.