A client interested in your work can send you a private invitation. It will be only visible to you and them and won’t appear on the Useme marketplace.
You can find your private invitations in the Jobs tab in your account. We will also notify you about a new private job invitation by email.
How to respond to a private job invitation
When you see a new private offer in the Jobs tab, click on it to see the details. You will find the Answer the invitation button under the project description.
Click on it to get to the offer form, just like on Useme Marketplace. Send your offer to the client. If you think the job description is missing crucial details, contact the client via private message.
You can edit or withdraw the submitted offer.
What does a private job’s processing look like?
A private job’s processing looks like one of the public orders from Useme Marketplace.
When the client accepts your offer, the contract will be formed, and they will receive a deposit request.
Wait until the client pays the deposit. We will inform you when we book the money in our account. That’s when your time to finish the order will start.
When you finish, upload your work to Useme. Once it gets accepted by the client, the deal will be closed, and we will send your payout.