Freelancer account – troubleshooting

Here’s a list of the most common account issues faced by freelancers.

I can't log in to Useme
My account has been blocked
I’m not receiving emails from Useme
I haven’t received the activation link email
I want to delete my Useme account

Do you have one of the issues described below? Check the solutions below, and if they don’t work, write to us using the contact form. We respond from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (UTC+2).

I can't log in to Useme

  • Check if you’re using the email address you used when creating your account.
  • Check if you accidentally added an extra space before or after the email address.
  • Have you used the activation link we emailed you to sign up? If not, click “Recover password” and go to your checkbox – we’ll email you a new activation link you need to click.
  • Check if we emailed you about blocking your account due to violating our terms and conditions.

My account has been blocked

Freelancer accounts are usually blocked when the user violates Useme Terms and Conditions. We always send an email explaining the situation and reasons for blocking the account, so check your inbox (including spam).

I’m not receiving emails from Useme

  • Check other folders like spam if the email isn’t in your primary inbox.
  • If you still can’t find it, your email provider might block or reject emails from the domain. Add our email to your contacts or ask your provider to add to the approved senders list.

I haven’t received the activation link email

  • When you create an account, you enter your email address and password. Then, you’re taken to the Activate your Useme account! screen. On this page, click “Send new link” if the first one didn’t arrive.
  • You can also ask your email provider to add to the approved senders list or add Useme to your contacts.

I want to delete my Useme account

You can’t do that manually. Use the contact form to tell us you want to delete your account.