With the Invoice a client feature, you can quickly invoice a client from any country. All you need to do is fill out one online form. Read on for details.
Go to Invoice a client if you have a client and want to invoice for finished work. It’s a straightforward and efficient way of invoicing your existing clients for completed projects. Your client doesn’t need a Useme account, and you don’t need to sign any paper contracts.
If you’re not working on anything for your clients now, you can find a new freelance job on Useme Jobs. Learn more about Useme Jobs.
Before you start
Sign a secure contract form step by step
1. Uploading work files
2. Work details
3. Your details and client invoicing information
4. Pricing
5. Summary
What’s next after filling out the form?
Transaction documents
Send a sample invoice and test Useme
Before you start
You can call Invoice a client a process, a transaction type, a feature, or an option available on Useme. Regardless of how we call it, it’s simply an online form. You fill it out to invoice your client via Useme.
To use this option, you need to meet these conditions:
- your client has given you a paid assignment,
- you’ve already completed this assignment,
- you have files that confirm job completion,
- your client accepted the results.
You can start invoicing in two ways:
- unfold the dropdown menu For freelancers and click “Invoice a client,”
- log in to your dashboard and press the blue “Invoice a client” button.
In a nutshell, the form consists of:
- Uploading work files.
- Describing the work you’ve done for your client.
- Providing your client’s email address and invoicing details.
- Pricing your work.
If you haven’t created a Useme account yet, we’ll ask you for your personal or company details at the beginning of the form. However, it’s far more convenient to create an account first, and then proceed to invoicing a client.
Sign a secure contract form step by step
1. Uploading work files
By work files we mean any file or files that present your completed work or confirm that you’ve completed it. You can add up to 100 GB/50 files in any format. We assume your client is already familiar with these files and knows the results of your work.
Your file can contain the entire work or:
- a screenshot confirming work completion,
- a part or several parts of the work,
- an hourly form (time sheet),
- a report confirming work.
Your files must match the work you’re invoicing your client for. Check what work files you can upload.
2. Work details
Provide information about the work you’ve done for your client:
- Category – it will be stated on the VAT invoice for your client.
- Title – this is the title of your deal, which will be stated on the invoice beside the category. The title will help you find the deal on your dashboard. It can be something like: Monthly newsletter copy for fitness startup, Custom API integration for e-commerce site.
- Description – provide further details of your work, including the results. The description won’t be stated on the invoice.
The category, title, and description must be related to each other and the uploaded files.
3. Your details and client invoicing information
When your client is invoiced and pays you through Useme, Useme enters into an online contract with you. Thanks to that, it’s us, not you or your client, who handles all the formal aspects of this transaction. To make this contract, we need your personal or company information. If you already have an account on Useme, we won’t ask you to enter them in this form. Check how to create an account.
We’ll ask you to enter your client’s email address so we can contact them about the transaction. If they’ve ever made a transaction on Useme before (with you or another freelancer), we’ll have their details in our database. If it’s their first transaction, we’ll ask you to enter them.
Your client can be an individual or a company from one of the 170+ countries we support. Thanks to Useme, you can settle deals with foreign clients as if you lived in the same country.
For your client’s first transaction on Useme, we’ll ask you to enter their:
- name or company name,
- personal or company address,
- tax identification number (only for companies),
- optionally phone number and contact person.
4. Pricing
This step is very important since you:
- Enter the price for your work. You can price your work in two ways:
- Keep the field Your payout on the right. We’ll calculate your client invoice amount based on your preferred payout.
- Use the arrow switch to keep the field Your client pays on your right. We’ll calculate your payout based on your client's preferred invoice amount. Learn more about your payout.
- Decide on your copyrights. Choose one of the options:
- License – you license your client to use your work for 15 years (learn more about licensing).
- Full ownership transfer – you transfer the copyright of your work to the client (learn more about transferring the copyright).
- No copyright transfer – you neither transfer the copyright nor grant the license.
- Set a deposit invoice due date. After you submit the form, we verify it and send a deposit request to your client, stating that they must pay within the number of days you entered here.
5. Summary
We’ll write down all the information you entered in the form so you can check them for errors. If you spot one, go back to the previous steps. When everything’s correct, press the “Send” button to send a deposit invoice to your client.
What’s next after filling out the form?
That's’ it! You don’t have to do anything else since we’re taking over the communication with your client. Once we verify your form, we’ll send a deposit request to your client. We verify deals on business days, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Check how we verify your deal.
Once your client pays the deposit invoice, we’ll send them a final invoice and transfer the payment to your account. Most transfers reach freelancers’ accounts in 24 hours on business days.
Transaction documents
You can view and download all deal-related documents from your account. Log in to your dashboard → go to Deals → open a deal → go to Documents.
Send a sample invoice and test Useme
You can test-drive the whole process we described here. You don’t need to log in or have client details or files. Just open our product tour and follow the instructions. Once finished, we’ll send you sample documents – a deposit invoice and a final invoice we would send to your client in a real transaction.