Why Useme emailed me about violating Terms and Conditions

Our system blocks actions that might put users at risk. Follow the guidelines below to understand which behaviors comply with Useme's Terms and Conditions and which ones you should avoid for your safety and convenient platform experience.

Don’t share your contact and payment details outside Useme

Sometimes, a client may try to settle the deal outside Useme and ask you to share your contact details instead of using messages on the platform. 

If you agree and share your contact or billing information to close the deal outside Useme, you’ll violate our Terms and Conditions. This may lead to a temporary or permanent account block.

Additionally, bringing your transaction outside Useme is less secure than invoicing through our platform. You might finish a project without getting paid.

If you’re applying for jobs via Useme Jobs, you should always wait with work until we email that the client has paid and it’s safe to start. Otherwise, you risk losing time and effort on a project without payment. This is especially important when working with a new client.

Don’t send spam or unwanted offers

These types of messaging might be considered spam and result in an account block:

  • copying and sending the same offer to multiple job postings in Useme Jobs;
  • sending multiple offers with the same pricing,
  • sending the same message again and again.

Instead, write a unique proposal and message for each client. The first impression is critical for winning a project. Set a realistic price and adjust your communication to the client’s needs.

Other reasons for a warning email

Our warning email system flags spam messages and behaviors that don’t comply with Useme Terms and Conditions. You accepted them when you created an account on Useme.

You may also receive a warning email if another user files a complaint against you or if we identify other violations of Useme’s rules.

Stick to platform rules and protect yourself

When you communicate with a client only through messages on Useme, you can rely on our support in case of disputes or misunderstandings. Agreements in our messages are binding, and we offer mediation if needed.